Student Resources
Science is everywhere in the world around us. From the smallest of atoms to the largest of galaxies, to the depths of oceans to the tallest mountains. Everywhere we turn, science is required to get a complete idea of how things work and function.
Engineering is all about designing and building things that solve real-world problems. Have you ever used a hair brush, ironing board, curling iron, or a home security system? Well these tools were all invented by amazing Black engineers!
Technology is continuously expanding into every aspect of our lives. It constantly evolves and overlaps with our daily routine. From video games like 2K and Call Of Duty, to high tech cars like Tesla and Ferrari, technology is the driving force to make it our reality!
Thousands of years ago, Africans used mathematical techniques mixed into the arts, games, architecture and other areas of life. If it wasn’t for the fundamental math used to build the Egyptian pyramids, we wouldn’t be able to statistically analyze who the highest scoring NBA player is… Kobe, Lebron, Jordan? You tell me!
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